I just wanted to post up a small discussion regarding protesting that has great relelvance right now in light of the #Occupy movements including the #OccupyLsx movement currently active in the UK.
Non-violent action by ordinary people is vital to the success of the movement for very simple reasons. There are still a great many people in the country who are not yet persuaded that the government is merely a proxy for corporate UK and are ensnared by the propaganda of corporations that pervade their TV screens and newspapers. Violence by protesters legitimizes violence by the state in the eyes of these as yet unconvinced observers, thus violence by the state is sure to follow and the cycle leads ultimately to the destruction of the movement. However, if the movement remains non-violent then violence by the state will be viewed unsympathetically by our fellow citizens, notwithstanding deceitful editing and misrepresentative reporting.
Strategies for addressing the media deficit of representation of ordinary people and NGOs will have to be a topic for discussion in another post.
It is hard to convey to a population lost in the dream world of corporate media what kind of trouble they are in in this moment. The corporate Coup d'état is bringing the ‘free’ world the same oppression it inflicts up on the 3rd World, whilst taking us closer to world war every day and rapidly accelerating the systematic destruction of the planet itself. Ordinary folk must sit up, pay attention and act. Populations are stirring but we must shove the coffee pot under their noses right now!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
Democracy Now!

Occupy Wall Street whilst the bankers are taking it all,
They're taking your job, my house and their cares are not even small,
Us peasants giving to the rich is their idea of reform,
They're Ivy Lee and have been taught this way since they were born,
What will it take for the elite to share power?,
When they already know that people are dying every hour,
To Occupy Wall Street seems all that we can do,
It will scare these crooks silly and they can't even sue,
Let the bankers feel the pain for their senseless ruthless gains,
Let's make this democracy now! and never the same pain again!
Us peasants giving to the rich is their idea of reform,
They're Ivy Lee and have been taught this way since they were born,
What will it take for the elite to share power?,
When they already know that people are dying every hour,
To Occupy Wall Street seems all that we can do,
It will scare these crooks silly and they can't even sue,
Let the bankers feel the pain for their senseless ruthless gains,
Let's make this democracy now! and never the same pain again!
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Message received?
Today I posted the following comment response to another commenter on The Guardian article "Occupy Wall Street: echoes of the past as protesters grasp the future" :
no person can revoke these three basic rights, Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness"
I like the general sentiment being employed in those romantically libertarian words but they fall well short of say socialism in terms providing a rights framework for achieving those things that the words long for, just like America falls abysmally short of the principles of the US constitution. This is a fact of life due to the power and corruption of wealth, which will always accumulate over time for ruthless enough individuals, groups and associations. The only thing that has ever worked for us peasants in the way of achieving even modest steps towards those ideals are social movements, workers unions and benevolent dictatorship. Democracy doesn't exist for us peasants. It never has. Liberal democracy as practiced by most Western nations is perfectly represented by the long time kids' favourite board game Monopoly. Money buys you friends in high places, politicians, political parties, political systems, governments, military juntas, brutal dictators, newspapers, television networks, Internet presence, prisons, schools, universities, entire education systems, police, armies and military hardware. It's all owned and controlled by an astonishingly small fraction of the global population. All the properties on the board were bought long before we were born, so we just get to pay rent in order to live on our own planet, and if you're not prepared to put up with that then they have everything they need to make sure the only place you are going is in the ground, and then your family gets the bill. And the US says that China is 'evil'?
Anarchism is the never ending fight against concentrations of power, which ultimately corrupt themselves, and in order not to be such a concentration of power anarchism essentially remains distributed, non-networked and leaderless, though we all happily jump on board and support movements for the benefit of the peasantry. Thus anarchism might best be understood as the state of mind one reaches having seen the king with no clothes, and that the game is and has always been rigged from top to bottom. Anarchism is not a club, an Internet site or a social movement. It is simply the recognition of the unspeakably bad state of affairs and the desire to bring about justice for the majority rather than the rich minority. Needless to say anarchism is deliberately misrepresented by the media, in fact in most cases it is just flat out lied about.
We need to wake up the anarchist that lies at the heart of every peasant by opening the curtains on the world around them. If we don't we are probably shafted properly, as a species I mean, and I mean it literally, mortally and urgently. Few people seem to grasp the enormity of what is coming in the wake of the failure to address the rapidly approaching man-made climate catastrophe and the also rapidly approaching energy crisis. Both will lead ultimately to global war (not to mention famine due to collapsed food infrastructure, disease, collapsed health care systems, genocides ad nauseum that will also result) and given that the nuclear power states' defense systems are largely automated (responsive to assumed attack) the chain reaction will resemble the dropping of a piece of cheese into a box full of loaded mousetraps. As we stand to day we are staring straight into the light of the oncoming train of extinction, and the boys in our engine room are still shovelling coal.
It saddens me that this message is not being received loud and clear by the peasantry, at least thus far, because they are our only hope."
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Want to know why no bankers have been prosecuted?

Friday, 30 September 2011
Thought for the day
Think for a moment about the company you work for or a company you have worked for, and try to remember the rules and politics that made you feel perhaps slightly insignificant and fearful. Now consider the life of a human being versus that of a company or corporation. Ask yourself which you value more, the life of a person or the profits of a company? Now ask yourself which do you think the company owners and executives value most? One last question; do you know how much corporations and companies contribute to your political party system? and I don't mean the large sums of money they donate.
How the media lies to you
Tiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/7o4xcuj
I should have posted these videos up long ago. They are both excellent documentaries regarding the media and the global corporate empire and how they manipulate the masses. The first is a documentary about Noam Chomskyand the Media (which is also it's subtitle) and it is called 'Manufacturing Consent'. It's a good few years old but it is more relavent than ever, much in the same way the Orwell's work is:

The second documentary is far more recent and equally important, with interviews with many important figures. This is the wonderfully titles 'Orwell Rolls In His Grave':

Enjoy :o)
I should have posted these videos up long ago. They are both excellent documentaries regarding the media and the global corporate empire and how they manipulate the masses. The first is a documentary about Noam Chomskyand the Media (which is also it's subtitle) and it is called 'Manufacturing Consent'. It's a good few years old but it is more relavent than ever, much in the same way the Orwell's work is:

The second documentary is far more recent and equally important, with interviews with many important figures. This is the wonderfully titles 'Orwell Rolls In His Grave':

Enjoy :o)
Home Office plans to spy on your social network conversations
This is just a short entry for folks to follow up for themeselves. I found the following article burried low down in a small reference below irrelavent faff about rugby on The Guardian website :
Home Office defends plan to monitor social network conversations
As always I would like to remind folks that infact there is something you can do about this. Simply google for social movements and campaigns in opposition to these orwellian policies and sign up (e.g. Avaaz, 28 Degrees, Amnesty International and so forth). Share your links to the sites for specific campaigns on your social networking facility of choice. This stuff works!
As always I would like to remind folks that infact there is something you can do about this. Simply google for social movements and campaigns in opposition to these orwellian policies and sign up (e.g. Avaaz, 28 Degrees, Amnesty International and so forth). Share your links to the sites for specific campaigns on your social networking facility of choice. This stuff works!
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Moral Majority

A short poem commenting on
the influence of the media on our culture
See that odd guy over there?
Kind of funny looking with weird curly hair.
We like to put him down,
With nasty words and disapproving frowns.
He's just a guy trying go his own way,
But we can't have that, it's our way or the highway.
There can't be any way but the way we've been taught,
we have no time for dumb facts and perish any thoughts,
Popular phrases, top sports and talking heads,
Fill our minds with the pull of commercial threads.
Get behind 'our lads' (we must support elitist tyranny),
We know they are bad, they don't speak our vocabulary.
Their children don't matter, to us they are just trouble,
So we'll bomb their strange towns, they are just not adorable.
We see our home enemies waving banners and angry,
They're a danger, not normal, and probably drink shandy.
We cheer new police power, every day, every hour,
They protect us from truth, because truth is so sour.
See that dead guy over there?
The banner guy, you know, the one with weird hair.
Let's laugh about him now, he was evil anyway,
Then we strap on our yokes for work, don't you?
Elite bosses are watching every day, every single day.
Kind of funny looking with weird curly hair.
We like to put him down,
With nasty words and disapproving frowns.
He's just a guy trying go his own way,
But we can't have that, it's our way or the highway.
There can't be any way but the way we've been taught,
we have no time for dumb facts and perish any thoughts,
Popular phrases, top sports and talking heads,
Fill our minds with the pull of commercial threads.
Get behind 'our lads' (we must support elitist tyranny),
We know they are bad, they don't speak our vocabulary.
Their children don't matter, to us they are just trouble,
So we'll bomb their strange towns, they are just not adorable.
We see our home enemies waving banners and angry,
They're a danger, not normal, and probably drink shandy.
We cheer new police power, every day, every hour,
They protect us from truth, because truth is so sour.
See that dead guy over there?
The banner guy, you know, the one with weird hair.
Let's laugh about him now, he was evil anyway,
Then we strap on our yokes for work, don't you?
Elite bosses are watching every day, every single day.
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