Tuesday, 13 March 2012

It's time to plan for an end to war, WWIII is almost here

The US is threatenning Iran if you hadn't noticed. Here is a sample public discussion, but you can find many on the web:

China and Russia do not appear to be prepared to let the US/UK/Israel unholy triumverate attack Iran without consequence as is implied in the following sample program discussion, though as before it is far from the only example, you can also hear Chinese and Russian military generals implying the same kinds of things:

It's almost surreal, as Noam Chomsky would say. We are now in the overtures of WWIII and everyone seems to be going about their business; business as usual.

Regardless of what you think of David Icke, this short collection of clips that include Icke wil give you a flavour of what is going on now:

The time for oppression to end is now. The biggest threat to everyone on the planet is their own government as governments are nothing more than a collection of the most crooked and murderous narcissistic fascists in every country.

The people of the world need to plan to march on their capital cities on the same date and spread the message. 12/12/12? the Mayan calendar date? Guy Fawkes eve, 5th November? The idea being that the news of the planned march will be a significant warning in itself, assuming enough people talk about it. If the threat of war draws nearer, no doubt the collective will revise its plans

If you want to copy and paste this post, be my guest.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

You fund it so they do it

People keep whining about their governments, yet you keep funding these war criminals and thugs. If you follow the teachings of Jesus, he said "let him who hath no sins cast the first stone", which means you are supposed to pay attention to your own crimes and deal with them. But you people just keep working for them and funding them with taxes. If you want to change things, if you want to stop terrorism, war, oppression then stop funding it, and stop participating in this corporate fascist nightmare.

U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S. NDAA

"You're wasting precious time"

This is a pretty stark wake up call to the elite!

Sen. Alren Specter (Rep), Pennsylvania, and congress (Senate Terrorism Subcommittee, hear from Normal Olson, a militia commander from Alanson, MI.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Ordinary Americans are stirring

Now here is a guy with some things he really seems to need to get of his chest. He is a small time radio host, but I'm wondering how many more like him there are Many?

The Young Turks are making similar noises though still talking in terms of power structures rather than freedom. That's 2 that I know of. If there are many, that would be a significant network of grass roots support for a revolution in the US.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Soldiers Speak Out

Here is a 4 something minute trailer to what looks to me like an excellent documentary on what rulers send their proletariate to do:

"A powerful first-hand testament to the reality of the military experience, told in the words of Americaan veterans who have been to war and now oppose it. An important counterpoint to the "stay the course" rhetoric of the Bush administration."

Which Iraqis welcome UK troops?

"William Patey and Stuart Innes, together with General Brims, have started that process have begun to focus Iraqi politicians' minds on what needs to be done. Moreover, our military are back on the ground visiting police stations - a fact welcomed by the majoraity of Iraqi Police Service Officers." [1]

Peter Hayes, Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in London 2005 – 2007 [2]

Apparently Iraqi police were happy with the UK military back in town, but nowhere in this document does he express an interest or detail of what the Iraqi people thought about the matter. It is not surprising since the elite seem only to be able think in terms of control rather than freedom. "what needs to be done" seems also to be what the UK wants done rather than consulting Iraqis.

[1] 30 September 2005 – South East Iraq Impact of Security Incident in Basra, Document reference IRQ 0406 0122 833 1 B / Req 2 / Doc 

[2] Sri Lankan IT BPO Industry Chamber http://www.slasscom.lk/node/92 where Peter 'serves' as British High Commissioner to the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka since March 2008.

The 'right path' for Iraqis?

General Major J B Dutton CBE on restructuring Iraq:
"...they need our assistance to set themselves on the right path and our continued support to maintain progress along along it." [1]

General Major J B Dutton CBE, Multinational Division (South East), Operation TELIC, British Forces Post Office 641.

Who decides what this right path is? Iraqis? The UK? Is this serving the interests of Iraqis or of the UK ruling elite?

[1] Hauldown Report, June - December 2005, http://www.iraqinquiry.org.uk/media/47504/dutton-hauldown-report.pdf

Another military dictator for Iraqis?

"Various ideas for replacements have been aired over the years and none so far look convincing. But another Ba'athist or military dictator from the Sunni/Tikriti minority might be found with whom we could do business"[1]

Simon Webb, UK MOD Policy Director 2001-2004 [2]

I wonder how convincing it would have been to Iraqis to have the UK graciously find them another military dictator. Presuming that Simon is not completely stupid then we would have to assume that he knew this would not be what Iraqis wanted and that in fact Simon was merely following longstanding British imperialist doctrine to control other countries by whatever means.

"But there was a more serious and considered answer given by the National Security Council, the highest planning agency. They pointed out that there's a perception in the Arab world that the United States supports status quo regimes which, of course, are brutal and oppressive, and does so in order to secure its own interests in obtaining oil, and then they said, well, it's hard to counter this perception because it's correct." [3]

There is little for me to add as it's all been said before.

[1] Letter/Memorandum : "Bush and the War on Terrorism"; 12/04/2002, MOD reference : "D/Policy Dir/6/2/2 (171/02); Obtained from URL : "http://www.iraqinquiry.org.uk/media/52573/webb-ps-sofs-bush-war-on-terrorism-2002-04-12.pdf"

[2] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8375439.stm

[3] "The Campaign of Hatred Against Us", Noam Chomsky interview by Four Corners, January 26, 2002, http://www.chomsky.info/interviews/20020126.htm